
Chapter 118 Godlike Assistant and Pig-like Teammate

Chapter 118 Godlike Assistant and Pig-like Teammate

As soon as Fei Shan helps Yan Hua with the dishes, Lang Ruoxian jumps the gun to put the same one into her bowl and throws the previously served food aside.

“Uncle, can I take this?” Gungun looks greedily at the bowl of tender lamb rolls.

Lang Ruoxian gets a new piece for him, “That one is garbage, inedible and dirty.”

“...” Fei Ying is quite amused by them. And Fei Yi has to take care of both his daughter Xiaojiu and his wife lest the latter choke herself.

Later Lang Ruoxian gets up to go to the restroom and Fei Yi follows out.

“What?” Lang Ruoxian throws the tissue away and stares at Fei Yi, “Replace your brother to challenge me?”

Fei Yi snorts with indifference, “I don’t care if you compete fairly. And... To be honest, you are better than my brother.”

“You know the truth.” Lang Ruoxian is satisfied with his words, “Don’t worry. For your sake, I won’t do anything to Fei Shan.”

Fei Yi frowns his eyebrows when Lang Ruoxian is out: it feels like something was wrong...

On their way back, Fei Ying and Fei Shan whisper to each other about how to pursue Yan Hua. Xiaojiu sits in the front seat and looks at them. She then turns to Fei Yi.

“Daddy, if Uncle marries Auntie Hua, Gungun will be my brother?”

Fei Yi rubs his daughter’s head, “Xiaojiu wants to have a younger brother?”

“Yes!” Xiaojiu nods but soon shakes her head, “I want a brother just like Gungun.”

Fei Yi is silent.

So Xiaojiu believes that if Yan Hua marries Fei Shan, Gungun will be one of her family. As soon as they arrive home, she asks Fei Ying for her cell phone and calls Gungun secretly.

Fei Shan gazes at his brother in the living room.

“What do you mean Yan Hua is not for me? Are you my brother or Lang Ruoxian’s?”

Fei Yi takes off his coat, “I’m telling you the truth just because I’m your brother. If you are really together someday, both of you will have a quite hard time.”

“What makes you say that?” Fei Shan groans, “My sister-in-law once made so many troubles, and did you get tired?”

“Well, so I ask you,” Fei Yi sits across from him, “if you have to choose only one between Yan Hua and your acting career, which will you take?”

Fei Shan hesitates, “Why to choose one? These two are not in conflict.”

“Do you think Yan Hua can stand you making out with other women on screen?” Fei Yi asks, “If you were 40 years old, it’s easy, you can skip the sex scenes. But you are just over twenty, a perfect age to develop your career, and do you think you won’t play any movies where you fall in love with other heroines?”

“Fei Shan, Yan Hua is the kind of women who live above honor and are very selfish in love. She won’t like you, because she will never put herself in a position to be jealous of the roles you play.”

Fei Shan is silent for a moment and later he says slowly, “Did you keep in touch? It sounds like you know her so well.”

“Because I’m better than you on judging people.” Fei Yi laughs at him, “Why do you think Lang Ruoxian is so nervous today? He usually doesn’t take others seriously. Because he made a mistake before. And he knows that even though he didn’t have an affair with a woman as the press reported, things happened and facts became facts.”

“I think that he got no chance to explain to Yan Hua due to some reasons, so she broke up with him.” Fei Yi continues to teach his younger brother, “Though she still likes him silently, she isn’t going to let it go. That’s why Lang Ruoxian suddenly becomes so anxious.”

Fei Shan says with a certain obstinacy, “Right! So I can just swoop in. Brother, actually, I understand what you say, but if I don’t try once to win her heart, I will regret for life.”

“Don’t worry about it. Even though she refused me, at least I tried, and I will never regret.”

Fei Yi pats his shoulder, “I’m just afraid you may fall too deep in the end. You should know what is your goal.”

Fei Yi goes back to his room and Fei Ying asks him foolishly, “You analyzed and told him the truth?”

“You know too he has no chance?” Fei Yi kisses his little wife, “And you’re still making fun of it.”

Fei Ying giggles and hugs him, “It’s useless to persuade him and there’s nothing wrong to admire someone. At least he tried! What if he made it?”

“Mommy! Daddy!” Xiaojiu runs to them merrily, “I told Gungun and he promised to ask Auntie Yan Hua to marry Uncle, then we can live and play together!”

Fei Ying is surprised and gives her daughter a kiss, “Go, go, go! Tell your Uncle to take credit for it.”

At Lang’s mansion, Gungun cheerfully runs into Lang Ruoxian’s room.

“Uncle!” Lang Ruoxian just took a bath and carries him into his room, “Does your mom know you are here?”

Gungun hugs him tight and whispers in his ear, “Mommy doesn’t know. She went to have a shower and I come here on the sly.”

“What are you going to do here?” Lang Ruoxian rubs his little head, “Tell me, uncle can do everything.”

Gungun pulls a straight face, “Can uncle ask mom to marry Uncle of Xiaojiu? So Gungun can go to her house and live with her forever.”

“...” Lang Ruoxian’s face darkens quickly: is the boy getting so bold after he learns how to speak long sentences?

“Why do you think so? Don’t you like your own house?” He tries to keep a smile on his face, “If you go to other people’s home, you will never see Uncle again. Do you want that?”

Gungun cocks his head to one side, “If I were the brother of my sister, I can’t see Uncle anymore?”

“Can’t see me.” Lang Ruoxian asks, “Who told you to be the brother of Xiaojiu?”

“It was her!” Gungun, a pig-like teammate, blurts it out, “ Xiaojiu told me to go their house and be her brother.”

Lang Ruoxian has no choice. He thinks it is a scheme by Fei Shan, but what if Xiaojiu does it...

“If Gungun goes to the other family, Uncle will be alone at our home. No one cares Uncle or speaks to Uncle.” Lang Ruoxian starts to brainwash his own ally.

“Xiaojiu has so many families but Uncle is alone.”

Gungun tilts his head back and looks at his uncle. The moment he sees Lang Ruoxian’s expression he embraces him sharply, “Uncle has Gungun. I will be with you forever!”

“Can Gungun keep the promise?” Lang Ruoxian takes his fatty hand, “Gungun, Mommy, and Uncle, we families will live together forever!”

“Deal!” Gungun links his little finger with his uncle’s, “Pinkie fingers entwined, the promise for a hundred year won’t be changed!”

Lang Ruoxian narrows his eyes and goes on preaching, “Next time Xiaojiu asks you to be her brother, you can tell her to let her parents to make one of their own, remember?”


Yan Hua enters to look for her son and sees the old and the young laughing together.


Gungun turns around and jumps into her arms, “Mommy!”

“Why did you run away without telling Mom?” Yan Hua picks him up and glances at Lang Ruoxian, “What are you doing here?”

Lang Ruoxian smiles, “It’s a tip for men.”

“Yes, tit for men!” Gungun repeats.

Yan Hua rolls her eyes, “Fine, time to bed.”

Xiaojiu doesn’t know yet her little partner already defected and receives a big Barbie doll from Fei Shan as a reward. Before Christmas, Fei Shan is offered a role in a movie, of which the director and the film crew are all first-rate. So his agent signed the acting contract after checking with him.

By the time he realizes Lang Ruoxian is one of the investors, he has no choice but to pack up at once and join the filming in northwest.

“Yan Hua, I’m off for the filming.” Before his departure, Fei Shan tries to embarrass Lang Ruoxian as much as possible.

Yan Hua is told by Fei Ying what is going on, and she doesn’t know what to say, “So... If you really don’t want to act, I’ll pay the default fine for you. Okay?”

She calculates her own deposits and estimates that the year-end dividend form Lang Consortium will be enough to cover the fine.

“Haha! What are you saying? I’m an actor who keeps the promise, and since I signed the contract, I won’t back out. Besides, the movie is indeed superior, of course... it will be much better if Lang Ruoxian doesn’t play any tricks.”

“I will come back for the promotion before the Spring Festival and may see you then.” Fei Shan smiles, “But, it is such a pity I can’t spend the Christmas Day with you.”

Yan Hua smiles, “I’ll invite you for dinner during the Spring Festival.”

“That’s a deal!”

“That’s a deal!”

Getting a promise of a meal, Fei Shan set off to the northwest. After his departure, Lang Ruoxian is in a rather good mood. One day he receives a call from the police about the box of dollars that Yan Hua has found, because he told the police to contact him as soon as they got any results.

“Mr. Lang, we found the owner, but he refuses to take it back and says to give Miss Yan the money. Could you come to the police station?”

Is there anyone who doesn’t want his own money? Yan Hua is confused at the news.

“Did the police tell you who the owner is?”

“We’ll know until we go to the police.” Lang Ruoxian looks at his watch, “I’ll come back to pick you up in the afternoon. Will you take Gungun or send him to Fei Family’s house?”

“It’s better to send him to Fei Ying, and she can take him to the kindergarten to pick up Xiaojiu.” Yan Hua considers the police station is not a right place for Gungun, who may be scared and shocked there.

A middle-aged policeman at the reception desk looks puzzled with a strange face when they talks about the owner.

“Her surname is Yuan, and she is 42 years old. Her husband is from Lu Family, who runs a chain of supermarkets, which you must hear of, the House Joy (Department Store).”

Yan Hua certainly knows the supermarket that has at least hundreds of branches in G Province. She looks at Lang Ruoxian.

“Lu Youde.” Lang Ruoxian surely knows this man but they have no business contact before.

The cop nods his head, “Yes, yes! It is him. Mrs. Lu claimed she didn’t want to take it back but suggested us to give it as a gift to the one who found it. She stressed that if Miss Yan doesn’t want it, it will be up to us to solve it.”

“Didn’t she mention any reasons?” Yan Hua refuses to take such a sum of money.

“No, she didn’t.” The police is also a little helpless, “We called back but Mrs. Lu either hung up, or complained impatiently and warned to sue us for harassment.”

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