
Chapter 1043 Vyriana's Choice.

Vyriana announced as she continued to observe Nux. Her mind, however, was filled with different thoughts.

\'His Body shouldn\'t be capable of using that power!\' Vulpiana\'s expression was serious.

Right now, she didn\'t care about Vedier, who was lying right next to her, his father, who was kneeling on the ground in a helpless state, or anyone in general, her focus was currently on this man standing in front of her.

This man was mysterious. A 20-year-old Great Sage, a Human who could mysteriously turn into an Incubus and a Vampire, a man with abilities so strange that even the Divine Stage Cultivators couldn\'t help but be surprised. Ever since she had met him, Vyriana has been surprised by one thing or another.

However, none of those things got the same reaction from her as right now,

This man... he just increased the strength of one of his abilities, in the middle of the Battle and it wasn\'t just normal breaking through a level by deepening his understanding of the said ability like many other geniuses do, that man broke through many levels at the same time.

That couldn\'t be done just by \'understanding\' the technique.

It doesn\'t work like that.

There is only one way one could just suddenly increase the strength of his abilities like this, and that one way... Nux shouldn\'t be able to use it since his body shouldn\'t be strong enough to handle that power and should have burst out. When even the Peak Phase Three Complete Cultivators could barely handle that power, no matter how strong and mysterious Nux was, comprehending and even using that power was simply impossible.


There was something inside Nux\'s body that was helping him do it.

Something that is acting like the \'source\' of his powers, not allowing that power to put any sort of burden on his body, something mysterious, something extremely powerful.

Something that made Nux what he is right now.

\'I need to report this.\'

Vyriana thought inwardly as she glanced at Nux.

His other abilities, she could ignore them, it didn\'t make much of a difference in the Order\'s eyes since no matter what, in the end, Nux was still weak.

However, that same logic couldn\'t be used anymore.

There was something inside Nux\'s body that made him as strong as he is right now, something completely unknown but extremely possible, they didn\'t know if it was a threat or not, however, one thing was sure,

This thing inside Nux\'s body, it not something they could ignore.

They needed to know what it was, the Order needed to know about it.

The more she thought about it, the more her thoughts were strengthened.

But then,

Vyriana\'s eyes fell on Astaria who was sitting in the crowd, looking at Nux with that beautiful smile on her smile. Just from her expression, Vyriana could tell that the two of them were flirting. Her disciple never smiles that beautifully unless it is her husband she is talking about.

Vyriana clenched her fists.

Her disciple\'s smile... she didn\'t wish to ruin it...

Her disciple had a pure heart that only thought about two things, getting stronger and her husband. Even though Vyriana hadn\'t spent much time with Astaria, she knew her disciple didn\'t have an ounce of malice in her heart.

She was one of the purest and truest beings she had ever met in her long lifetime.

And that man wasn\'t any different either.

He may come off as shameless and selfish, however, his love for his wives wasn\'t fake, Vyriana could tell that if it was for his wives, that man would even be willing to risk his life and he wouldn\'t think about it for even a single second.

That man wasn\'t evil, neither were any of his wives, rather, they were one big happy family, a family that could make one jealous...

A type of Family that all, even the strongest of the beings in the world longed for...

And the core of this Family was Nux.

Vyriana knew, the moment she reported the presence of Nux\'s \'secret\', Nux\'s life wouldn\'t be his anymore.

Even if she herself stepped in to interfere with the process and protect him as much as she could, she wouldn\'t be able to guarantee his or his wives\' safety.

The Ancestral Order may be fair, however, what Nux had was just too much of a treat that even the fairest of people might get blinded by greed and even if they don\'t get blinded by greed, the fear of the unknown would force them to learn more about Nux\'s \'secret\' and that process, of course, won\'t be painless.

The Order\'s methods were ruthless, Vyriana wouldn\'t be surprised if those people used Nux\'s wives to get what they wanted.

The Order wasn\'t scared of hurting the innocents, in their eyes, for the safety of this world, it would be a minor sacrifice. That was just how it operated, and Vyriana, as one of its core members, knew about it the best.

The moment Nux\'s secret is revealed, this beautiful family they have, it will be destroyed. That smile on her disciple\'s face, she would never see that again.

Vyriana was confused.

It was her duty to report something that could potentially harm Yrniel in the Future, this is what she should be doing.

Her disciple\'s face, however, had her heart bound.

It was a battle between her brain and heart, and in the end,

Vyriana just smiled weakly.

A vulnerable but extremely beautiful smile that she had never shown before ever since she became Vyriana, it was a pity that this smile was covered with a mask and a cloak and no one could see it.

Anyways, Vyriana had decided.

She had lived for countless centuries now, the time she spent with her disciple wasn\'t even that high, however, she realized that she got much closer to that little girl than she thought.

Close enough for her to even ignore her duty for the sake of her disciple\'s happiness, something Vyriana never knew she would do.

Vyriana glanced at Nux again,

\'Be glad you are my disciple\'s husband, boy.\'

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