
Chapter 44 Who Are You ? (1)

​ The Angel \'Dina\' was sitting on her throne made of silver.

She was currently observing the screen in front of her with an incredulous expression on her face. She was the one who pushed the idea of creating the \'Angel System\' forward.

The main idea behind it was simple, to create a weapon that would always bend to their will. All the angels had to spend a considerable amount of energy to make the angel system. In Dina\'s eyes, the experiment was a huge success.

The only problem was with the weapon itself, Dina couldn\'t stand that thing called \'Joe\', to Dina he was everything that was wrong with humanity. Dina had kept her eye on him all this time since he had gotten the system and like all humans, the power had corrupted him.... no. it would be more appropriate to say that he was already evil... long before he got the system.

That was the reason why she wasn\'t all that sad to see him defeated.

But what confused her wasn\'t his defeat... rather it was the person who defeated him.

Why does he look so similar to that \'monster\' ?

Goosebumps rise up on her skin just thinking about the demonic prince.

She once again looks at the boy who was gracefully dodging every attack the \'weapon\' threw at him...

That pitch-black hair.... those eyes that resembled blood... there was no mistaking it.

Was his name... Adam ?

A smile breaks out on Dina\'s face.

It seems that the weakest student at the Unity is quite peculiar....


So this is how I was going to die...

I close my eyes and wait for my imminent death but-

\'\' You\'re not dead... it\'s just a scrape.\'\'

I look up and find Lecia looking at me from above.

Well now that I think about it I was E Rank as well.... so I should be fine as well.

I look down and just like Lecia had just said, there was just a little scratch.

Well.... this is embarrassing.

I mean it really did hurt though.

Lecia holds her hand out towards me and I gracefully accept.

Let\'s just act like this never happened.


I walk towards Joe, who was desperately trying to get up.

Eric and Lecia also walk behind me.

I kick his face with all my strength and he actually flies away a small distance.

\'\' Arghhhhhh\'\', he screams.

Oof, look at this drama queen.

\'\' Give me back my skills, dipshit.\'\',

Joe finally stops struggling and stares at me with a stunned expression on his... after awhile, he starts laughing like a fucking maniac.

\'\' HahaHahahhHhahhaahAHahHAH\'\'

What\'s so fucking funny ?

I kick him in the stomach this time, he coughs out blood.

\'\' Why don\'t we ca-\'\', Lecia starts to say something but is interrupted by Joe.

\'\' You want your skills back ?\'\'

I nod my head at his question and wait for him to continue.

\'\' Guess what ? You\'re not getting them back..... Hahahahahah\'\'

Is he telling me there is no way for me to get my skills back ?

If so then I don\'t really see the need to keep him alive.

\'\' But I have to say, you have interesting skills.... should I use them I wonder ?\'\', Joe says

Oh shit.

Now that I think about, couldn\'t Joe use [Author\'s Authority] to change the present. This was bad. What-


Joe was looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. He\'s playing with me.

\'\' Go ahead then.... use it.\'\', I say.

This was a dangerous gamble. but when I really think about it why would he tell me before using the skill. Unless he was lying about the skill...

There must be some kind of catch.

The expression on his face was priceless.

\'\' How did y-\'\'

\'\' I didn\'t know.. but now I do.\'\', I say with the same knowing smile he had on his face just before.

I can hear him gritting his teeth.


I get what he\'s trying to say... but why the fuck is he shouting ?

\'\' Have you ever met these so called \'angels\' ?\'\'

\'\' No bu-\'\', I cut him off and continue

\'\' Let me in you on a little secret : the angels aren\'t that good as people make them out to be.\'\'

I knew that Lecia, Angela and Eric were listening in on my conversation with Joe but it doesn\'t matter.

No matter what I do, the plot is going to get changed so I\'ll just bend it to my will. Having Eric and his sister as my comrades would solve a lot of problems for me. If I\'ve learned anything from this entire ordeal... it\'s that I can\'t win alone. I need loyal do- comrades who will obey me.

Joe blabbering something, but I\'m don\'t care enough to listen to him.

I see the dagger that had scratched me lying a few feet away from me,

I get up and grab it.

I walk towards Joe, once he sees the dagger in my hands a frown starts forming on his face.

\'\' Wha-\'\'

Before he can complete what he was going to say I slice his throat with the dagger, blood starts flowing down from his throat. He starts coughing out blood as well... he was slowly dying.

\'\' What did you do ?...\'\', Eric asks with a shaky expression on his face.

\'\' I did what had to be done.\'\'

I didn\'t even look at Lecia, it\'s more like I can\'t. But I\'m pretty sure that in the future I\'m going to have to kill more people so it\'s better to not act like an innocent shit in front of the people I\'m close with.

The Angels probably installed some kind of surveillance device into this idiot, they knew about my existence now. There\'s no more time to play around.

I can see the light dim in his eyes,

\'\' I\'m sorry, mom\'\', he whispers into the air.

I bend down and look into his eyes,

\'\' You\'re next.\'\'

This wasn\'t me speaking to Joe... it was a warning to the angels, which probably isn\'t going to work.


\'\' Who killed it ?\'\'

This question was directed towards Dina, who had just informed the rest about the death of their \'weapon\'.

\'\' It was a man... I couldn\'t see his face because he was wearing a cloak.\'\'

At her words, most of the angels fell into thought.

Who could this mysterious man be ?

\'\' That\'s such a waste. All that energy that we spent... totally wasted.\'\', one of the twelve says

None of them even think of doubting Dina.

She feels a little sad that she had to lie to her comrades but--

At the same time she didn\'t know why she had lied to them...

It was just a feeling, but his mannerisms... even his gait all felt familiar to her.

It was as if she actually knew him.

Before telling the others, she wants to investigate him a little more.

A smile forms on her face...

\' Will you teach me something new... I wonder ?\'


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