
Chapter 146 - 146 Do you mean me or Wangye? Part I

“You seem to trust that foreign prince quite a lot.” Yue Huiling started as she walked into the bedroom that was destroyed by Chu Zhaoran’s ‘teasing’.

“He is a man of pride, more or less.” Bai Yu smiled, though her eyes were still fixed on the jade in her hand.

“That’s...” Bai Hua followed her gaze.

“The identification jade of the second prince of Da Chu.” Yue Huiling was surprised.

“It’s not good to have a side man, sister,” Bai Hua said with a smile. Bai Yu glared at her sister, who had come from another life… This know-it-all!

“What about...”


Bai Hua was going to talk about tomorrow’s plan, but Yue Huiling put her index finger to her lips and shushed her. Bai Yu sensed something as well. She quietly exchanged a glance with Yue Huiling, then looked at the sword in her hand before turning to Bai Hua.


“Do you know how to use it?” The sword was handed to Bai Hua.

“I’m...not sure.” Bai Hua accepted it from Yue Huiling, clearly unconfident. Seeing the other two’s seriousness and caution, she was careful not to speak too loud or make a sudden movement.

“There’s no law in this world. It’s only killed or be killed.” Bai Yu stared into Bai Hua’s eyes. She could see them trembling, despite her effort to act strong. She was not from this era, so swinging a sword with the intent to harm would naturally be difficult for her.

Eventually, Bai Hua nodded. The hands that had saved countless lives gripped the sword tight.

“I am the first Furen’s daughter, the first miss of the Bai family. How could I sleep in the same room as a lowly concubine’s child?!” She spoke with a louder voice. Anger was so apparent in her tone that said lowly person was surprised.

“Then what do you want, biaomei?” Yue Huiling answered in the same volume.

Bai Hua looked at the two of them, puzzled. Bai Yu took out the dagger in her sleeve while Yue Huiling pulled out a dagger hidden in her shoe. Bai Hua finally understood.

“Sister, I can sleep somewhere else.” Bai Hua matched the loudness of their voices as she tightened the grip on her sword.

“Good. Just get out already.” Bai Yu nodded toward the folding screen she had used to change her clothes in the morning.

“I’m also sleepy. I’ll take my leave.” Yue Huiling pulled Bai Hua’s arm, guiding her to hide behind the screen together.

Bai Yu walked up to the door and pretended to shut it loudly to fool the eavesdropper that they had left her room. Her brows furrowed as she checked their magic level. Knowing that none had magic higher than hers, she chose to go back to her bed, put out the candle, and pretended to sleep.

Bai Yu lay there with her eyes closed for more than one ke to fool the intruders that she had fallen asleep, while in truth, she used her magic that had slightly regenerated to sense the surroundings.


Soon, the sound of light footsteps entered her room. The newcomer seemed to specialize in ambushes. If she had not noticed their presence first, then she might not have been able to handle the person who dared come in alone, thinking that Bai Yu was the only person in the room. She was quite certain that this was not one of Chu Zhaoran’s men. Yue Huiling thought the same thing as well.

“Mmmmph...” Her mouth and nose were suddenly smothered by something. She held her breath, then grabbed the intruder’s wrist and twisted with all her strength. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, she pulled the tall figure down to the bed.

Bai Yu twisted the man’s arm back while pressing his head down onto the mattress, and her knees dug into his back. She struck his pressure points to paralyze his body, leaving only his mouth free to interrogate.

“Who sent you?”

“Careful! He has a suicide pill!” Yue Huiling’s shout urged Bai Yu to move her hand again. However, she was too slow. The man swallowed the poison pill in his mouth and instantly died.

“I should have thought of that.” Bai Yu moved away from the body, visibly upset.

“I’ll call the soldiers to come and search him.”

“Thank you, biaojie.” Bai Yu nodded amidst the darkness. But before Yue Huiling could leave the room, over ten men rushed into the room without warning… So that man was sent to test them.

What a day. People kept flocking here, one after another.

“I have no magic.” Bai Yu whispered as she moved to stand back-to-back with Yue Huiling. She glanced at Bai Hua, telling her to stay behind the screen. Judging from how they moved to surround her and Yue Huiling, it seemed these men had not realized that there was another person yet.

“And I have no sword,” Yue Huiling casually answered in a low voice. They gripped daggers in their hands.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Despite knowing that asking was useless, Bai Yu still chose to do it to buy time in hopes that a patrol guard might come past her room soon. It was a common trope of villains wasting their time talking before making a move. Bai Yu could only hope that this would go the same way.

“I am only inviting the young lady to come meet our prince.” Somehow, villains in this era were just like in the series.

“I have no business with any prince from any nation.” Yue Huiling tried to bait them to reveal their target.

“It is Miss Bai who has business with our prince.” It was confirmed now that the person they wanted was Bai Yu.

“Benxiaojie doesn’t know your prince,” Bai Yu continued. No one other than the other two women knew she was collecting information.

“Miss Bai knows our prince very well. Wangye favors miss and so has ordered us to come to ‘escort’ miss to our camp.”

Bai Yu raised her brow. “The second prince of Da Chu?”

“You will know when we arrive.” There was no answer, only an increase in pressure and threat. Bai Yu could guess now that these men were Chu Zhaoran’s… No, they were trying to seem like they were Chu Zhaoran’s. However, their lie could be easily seen through since Chu Zhaoran had just left. If he truly wanted to ‘escort’ her there, then he would have done it himself, and she would not have had a chance to fight against him.

“Benxiaojie just met him a while ago and has already rejected his ‘invitation’. Your prince doesn’t seem quite too pleased, but this is beyond expectation.”

It seemed that these men knew that she had already met Chu Zhaoran. And her assumption was also correct: they did not know what she and Chu Zhaoran had talked about. Bai Yu faked a smile and said that she had refused Chu Zhaoran.

“Apologies to Miss Bai. There is nothing that our prince cannot have.” Her lie had revealed the truth that these men were not Chu Zhaoran’s.

“Then I will have to refuse again.” Bai Yu tightened her grip on the dagger, and her eyes scanned her surroundings cautiously.

“Capture her!”

At his words, the intruders rushed toward her. Yue Huiling kicked away the first person who reached them. Bai Yu moved to stand behind her cousin so that they could protect each other’s blind spot.

Even with Yue Huiling beside her, Bai Yu still had to fight the black-clad men herself. She ducked to avoid the blade, then kicked his legs from under him to disrupt his balance before rolling away from another sword that came with the intent to kill. They were surely not trying to capture her alive!

Clang! Bai Yu sprang up from the floor, she raised a dagger in her hand to defend herself against the sword. Luckily, they had yet to use magic, otherwise, it would have become much more difficult.

Fwip! She took that back! A magic whip from the man who had talked to her a while ago suddenly entwined her waist. With his red magic, he pulled the whip, throwing Bai Yu off balance and causing her to fly toward him.

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